Tuesday 25 November 2014

BBC Life Story

Commentated by David Attenborough

On the thursday night of last week I was watching a show called Life story on BBC One hosted by David Attenborough. this particular episode was how animals and creatures deal with the mating process which I found that there was fierce competiton for some animals. However there was one little sea creature called the Puffer Fish which astonished me more than any. To persue in his mating process the Little fish was off the shore of Japan in this bay where the sand is much softer and in shallow waters. What the fish does is it flaps its fins along the sea bed to churn the sand up to make it a softr bed for the female to lay her eggs however the male Puffer Fish has this whole art piece planned out in his head of how he is going to create this kind of circle to attract the female Puffer Fish in to lay the eggs. He then creates this art piece on the sea bed which can take weeks planning each little bit out and then a female will approach and inspect the area to see if its up to her standards and then lay the eggs in the centre where the male will bury them under the sand.   Take a look:

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