Sunday 25 January 2015

Green Patriot Posters

Green Patriot Posters is a website which subscribers can create posters to the site and upload them for the public to view. The posters that are designed are campaigning against fossil fuels and against deforestation and ways in which we are destroying our planet and atmosphere.
I used this site for inspiration for a previous project which I have just completed which was visual communication in art and graphic design where I had to create a poster about protesting. I chose the subject to promote green energy which is wind energy, solar power, hydro power etc. n the end I made a poster of wind turbines with the slogan "BUILD OUR FUTURE" to leave it up to us as society to fix our planet and mistakes.

Shepard Fairey

Shepard Fairey is an Artist, street artist, graphic designer and illustrator and lives and works in the USA. He was born on February 15th 1970 and is known for his "Andre the Giant" sticker campaign in the 1990s where he emerged form the skateboarding scene and became an artist and political artist. Now he is most commonly known for a piece he created during the 2008 US election of Barack Obama called "HOPE", he created this piece by just using three different colours: red, blue and cream. He used these colours to create Obama because he believed that they sent the message of Patrionism to the public. He didn't want Obama to look like a black man but to make him a man to nationalise hence the colours.
In the past he has created rebellious pieces and with his second child on the way at the time he had the thought that he wanted the best future he could possibly get for his children so therefore he created a piece with Obama on for his political status and to advertise him and his party to win the election which he di, Fairey just wanted what's best for his children as they are the future of America.

Eye Magazine Article

Drive In Cinemas

For my professional practice magazine I chose to do the Eye Magazine, this is because it contains a majority of graphic design and typography which I am very interested in.
I came across an article about drive-in cinemas in the US from the 1930s in their prime to now where they are run down and even housing built upon the car parks where they were situated. I read the article and it described how they went from being extremely popular in the early 20th century where all the young adults would come and meet and have a great time out to how they got less and less people visiting the cinemas. What was interesting about the signs were the typography and how they used pop culture to advertise the cinemas by giant signage with high text close to the font Britannic bold. They used nylon background with flashing light bulbs and bright colours to welcome visitors into the cinemas.
Now all that remains of these signs are run-down rusted left overs from what once was a great era of American pop culture are these giant signs which is the little that is left of the great drive-in cinemas.
Drive-in cinemas have always looked spectacular to me from living in the UK as we don't have the weather for it over here and it would be a great experience to go to a drive-in cinema.